
The shutdown

I was driving home from moms tonight and accidentally started thinking about the shutdown.  I’ve been doing my best to avoid news about it. News terrifies me. Makes me think too much. For years, I just plain couldn’t experience it - it was like I felt the pain of the people living that life and I was in a place where I just couldn’t deal with that feeling. I needed to focus on me, something I’ve never been good at. From the outside world perspective, this was while things were relatively nice. Obama was president, I was traveling abroad in Turkey; the world was sad and parts of it were scary, but overall things seemed alright. Brexit hadn’t happened. Trump hadn’t happened. In 2013, I started cautiously watching the news again. Just a little, in the morning. Started out with light stuff like the local news on channel 2, quickly remembered why I don’t watch local news when I live in Utah. Graduated myself to Morning Joe on MSNBC. That spread to more MSNBC. Then, even...
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